The 20 Best Finance Books for Women to Read in 2024
The 20 Best Finance Books for Women to Read in 2024
The 20 Best Finance Books for Women to Read in 2024
Sep 10, 2021
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If you're lounging around, looking for a good read that can help you get your personal finances in order, here's a list of must-read personal finance books for you to consider.
Reading books about money is a great way to explore your financial situation and improve your financial literacy.
The Top 20 Finance Books for Women
Below are some of my favorite finance books and your essential reading list for the best finance books for women looking to take control of their finances.
These books cover everything from debt management to investing to getting a raise. You'll find something that speaks to your needs regardless of where you are on your personal finance journey.
Clever Girl Finance by Bola Sokunbi
In CleverGirl Finance, money expert Bola Sokunbi guides you through getting out of debt, saving more money, and building your wealth.
Sokunbi shares her own financial story to inspire and educate a new generation of women on their path to financial independence.
Clever Girl Finance offers practical money advice and is an easy to read book for women who want to learn more about managing their own money.
On My Own Two Feet by Manisha Thakor and Sharon Kedar
Living a carefree existence can lead to future financial ruin.
On My Own Two Feet teaches you how to keep your financial priorities in order by teaching you how to balance your desire to live well now with the necessity to save and invest for tomorrow.
By applying the financial ideas in On My Own Two Feet, you're more likely to reach your financial goals without stress.
When She Makes More by Farnoosh Torabi
In today's society, women who are the breadwinners for their families face a higher risk of burnout, infidelity, and divorce.
In When She Makes More, personal finance expert Farnoosh Torabi discusses family dynamics and relationship imbalances along with ways to create a happy work/life balance.
Get Good with Money by Tiffany Aliche
In Get Good with Money, Tiffany Aliche (aka The Budgetnista), outlines her 10-step formula for achieving financial success.
The book includes checklists, worksheets, and other resources to help you learn how to build wealth and attain financial peace.
Get Good With Money details exactly what you need to do to reach your financial goals.
Zero Debt by Lynnette Khalfani-Cox
If you're struggling with debt, you're not alone. Eight out of ten Americans are in the same boat.
To get out of debt for good, you'll need a plan. Zero Debt gives you a 30-day, step-by-step guide to getting your finances back on track.
Get a Financial Life by Beth Kobliner
Get a Financial Life will teach you how to get out of debt, save more money, and invest in your future.
You'll get actionable advice to help you form healthy money habits and take control of your finances.
You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero
You Are a Badass at Making Money will help you overcome any mental barriers you've got about financial success.
Author Jen Sincero shares her personal insights into money mindset to help others unlock their potential and achieve financial success.
If you've got some mental money blocks preventing you from earning what you're worth, this book will help you work through them.
Broke Millennial by Erin Lowry
Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Broke Millennial will help you stop being freaked out about your finances and help you take control of them.
Money expert and author Erin Lowry takes you through the basics and beyond to help you understand your relationship with money and how to tackle tricky money situations.
The Index Card by Helaine Olen and Harold Pollack
The Index Card presents a simple plan with just 10 rules to help you manage your money in an easy and effective way.
This book will give you the tools and confidence to take control of your finances.
Know Yourself, Know Your Money by Rachel Cruze
You may be aware of Dave Ramsey's 7 Baby Steps but now his daughter is adding in her own 7 Money Tendencies.
Knowing what you should do and actually doing it are two different things.
In Know Yourself, Know Your Money, Rachel Cruze seeks to shed light on why you make the financial decisions you do so you can more easily start taking charge of your money.
Real Money Answers for Every Woman by Patrice C. Washington
Real Money Answers for Every Woman offers financial advice on everything from managing credit card debt to dealing with student loans to homeownership and even negotiating for a raise.
You'll get practical advice to help form healthy money habits and start planning for your financial future.
Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez
This best-selling classic is the go-to guide for changing your relationship with money.
In this 9-step program, you'll learn how to live more deliberately and make more meaningful choices.
Regardless of where you are in your financial journey, Your Money or Your Life has something to offer and will give you a new perspective on your income and expenses.
The Feminist Financial Handbook by Brynne Conroy
The Feminist Financial Handbook provides actionable and practical advice to help women get ahead with their finances.
Author Brynn Conroy offers helpful tips for saving money, planning your finances, and more while also exploring issues like the wage gap and domestic violence that can disproportionately affect women.
Prince Charming Isn't Coming by Barbara Stanny
This classic by Barbara Stanny inspires and teaches women how to take control of their own finances instead of waiting around for a Prince Charming to come take the responsibility from them.
With checklists and practical advice, Prince Charming Isn't Coming will guide you through the process so you can take charge of your money and your life.
Sacred Success by Barbara Stanny
Author Barbara Stanny has decades of experience and research with women's relationship to money.
In Sacred Success, she offers a guide for taking control of your life via your finances. By combining practical tips with psychological insights and spiritual understanding Stanny offers women a new path to financial success.
All Your Worth by Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi
This book is probably best known for its author, Senator Elizabeth Warren, and for introducing the 50/30/20 rule.
All Your Worth offers a simple formula to balance your finances across three types of spending: the Must-Haves, the Wants, and your Savings.
If you struggle with feeling restricted by a traditional budget, Warren's percentage-based budgeting may be just what you're looking for.
Money Rules by Jean Chatzky
Money Rules offers more than 90 rules to help you remove the stress around money and simplify the path to financial success.
Chatzky gives the reader concise and straightforward advice to help them build their wealth.
Worth It by Amanda Steinberg
In Worth It, author Amanda Steinberg helps women overcome the confusion and guilt they often associate with money.
By sharing her personal experiences, she empowers and encourages every woman, regardless of age or income, to see money as a vehicle for personal freedom and independence, leading to financial stability and success.
Financial Feminist by Tori Dunlap
In Financial Feminist, personal finance influencer Tori Dunlap is bringing the money talk front and center.
Ever noticed how guys are taught about investing and money-making, while girls often get the "don't spend too much" lecture?
Tori spotted this gap and decided it's high time we flip the script. This book isn't just about saving pennies; it's about making your dollars work their tails off for you.
Using stories from her own life and her work with Her First $100K, Tori walks us through everything we need to get savvy with our money.
From paying off debt without going crazy to spending smart, saving up, and investing like a pro – she's got us covered.
And the best part? She's all about using our money to enjoy life and make a difference, not just squirreling it away.
So, if you're ready to take control of your financial life and have some fun along the way, Financial Feminist is the perfect companion.
Women with Money by Jean Chatzky
In Women With Money, Chatzky offers a 3-part plan to help women understand their relationship with money, take control of their finances, and use their money to create the life they desire.
It offers practical solutions for women to increase their income and create a financial plan for their futures.
Final Thoughts on the Best Finance Books for Women
If you are looking for the best finance books for women to read this year, the list above offers the best books to get you started.
Whether you don't have much money or are simply looking to improve your financial health, the different books above will give you a great starting point.
You'll learn how to deal with debt, money management tactics, which investment strategy will help you grow your long-term wealth, and tips to increase your income.
If you're struggling to hit your money goals, these books offer solutions for women of all ages and backgrounds to find financial success.
If you're lounging around, looking for a good read that can help you get your personal finances in order, here's a list of must-read personal finance books for you to consider.
Reading books about money is a great way to explore your financial situation and improve your financial literacy.
The Top 20 Finance Books for Women
Below are some of my favorite finance books and your essential reading list for the best finance books for women looking to take control of their finances.
These books cover everything from debt management to investing to getting a raise. You'll find something that speaks to your needs regardless of where you are on your personal finance journey.
Clever Girl Finance by Bola Sokunbi
In CleverGirl Finance, money expert Bola Sokunbi guides you through getting out of debt, saving more money, and building your wealth.
Sokunbi shares her own financial story to inspire and educate a new generation of women on their path to financial independence.
Clever Girl Finance offers practical money advice and is an easy to read book for women who want to learn more about managing their own money.
On My Own Two Feet by Manisha Thakor and Sharon Kedar
Living a carefree existence can lead to future financial ruin.
On My Own Two Feet teaches you how to keep your financial priorities in order by teaching you how to balance your desire to live well now with the necessity to save and invest for tomorrow.
By applying the financial ideas in On My Own Two Feet, you're more likely to reach your financial goals without stress.
When She Makes More by Farnoosh Torabi
In today's society, women who are the breadwinners for their families face a higher risk of burnout, infidelity, and divorce.
In When She Makes More, personal finance expert Farnoosh Torabi discusses family dynamics and relationship imbalances along with ways to create a happy work/life balance.
Get Good with Money by Tiffany Aliche
In Get Good with Money, Tiffany Aliche (aka The Budgetnista), outlines her 10-step formula for achieving financial success.
The book includes checklists, worksheets, and other resources to help you learn how to build wealth and attain financial peace.
Get Good With Money details exactly what you need to do to reach your financial goals.
Zero Debt by Lynnette Khalfani-Cox
If you're struggling with debt, you're not alone. Eight out of ten Americans are in the same boat.
To get out of debt for good, you'll need a plan. Zero Debt gives you a 30-day, step-by-step guide to getting your finances back on track.
Get a Financial Life by Beth Kobliner
Get a Financial Life will teach you how to get out of debt, save more money, and invest in your future.
You'll get actionable advice to help you form healthy money habits and take control of your finances.
You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero
You Are a Badass at Making Money will help you overcome any mental barriers you've got about financial success.
Author Jen Sincero shares her personal insights into money mindset to help others unlock their potential and achieve financial success.
If you've got some mental money blocks preventing you from earning what you're worth, this book will help you work through them.
Broke Millennial by Erin Lowry
Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Broke Millennial will help you stop being freaked out about your finances and help you take control of them.
Money expert and author Erin Lowry takes you through the basics and beyond to help you understand your relationship with money and how to tackle tricky money situations.
The Index Card by Helaine Olen and Harold Pollack
The Index Card presents a simple plan with just 10 rules to help you manage your money in an easy and effective way.
This book will give you the tools and confidence to take control of your finances.
Know Yourself, Know Your Money by Rachel Cruze
You may be aware of Dave Ramsey's 7 Baby Steps but now his daughter is adding in her own 7 Money Tendencies.
Knowing what you should do and actually doing it are two different things.
In Know Yourself, Know Your Money, Rachel Cruze seeks to shed light on why you make the financial decisions you do so you can more easily start taking charge of your money.
Real Money Answers for Every Woman by Patrice C. Washington
Real Money Answers for Every Woman offers financial advice on everything from managing credit card debt to dealing with student loans to homeownership and even negotiating for a raise.
You'll get practical advice to help form healthy money habits and start planning for your financial future.
Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez
This best-selling classic is the go-to guide for changing your relationship with money.
In this 9-step program, you'll learn how to live more deliberately and make more meaningful choices.
Regardless of where you are in your financial journey, Your Money or Your Life has something to offer and will give you a new perspective on your income and expenses.
The Feminist Financial Handbook by Brynne Conroy
The Feminist Financial Handbook provides actionable and practical advice to help women get ahead with their finances.
Author Brynn Conroy offers helpful tips for saving money, planning your finances, and more while also exploring issues like the wage gap and domestic violence that can disproportionately affect women.
Prince Charming Isn't Coming by Barbara Stanny
This classic by Barbara Stanny inspires and teaches women how to take control of their own finances instead of waiting around for a Prince Charming to come take the responsibility from them.
With checklists and practical advice, Prince Charming Isn't Coming will guide you through the process so you can take charge of your money and your life.
Sacred Success by Barbara Stanny
Author Barbara Stanny has decades of experience and research with women's relationship to money.
In Sacred Success, she offers a guide for taking control of your life via your finances. By combining practical tips with psychological insights and spiritual understanding Stanny offers women a new path to financial success.
All Your Worth by Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi
This book is probably best known for its author, Senator Elizabeth Warren, and for introducing the 50/30/20 rule.
All Your Worth offers a simple formula to balance your finances across three types of spending: the Must-Haves, the Wants, and your Savings.
If you struggle with feeling restricted by a traditional budget, Warren's percentage-based budgeting may be just what you're looking for.
Money Rules by Jean Chatzky
Money Rules offers more than 90 rules to help you remove the stress around money and simplify the path to financial success.
Chatzky gives the reader concise and straightforward advice to help them build their wealth.
Worth It by Amanda Steinberg
In Worth It, author Amanda Steinberg helps women overcome the confusion and guilt they often associate with money.
By sharing her personal experiences, she empowers and encourages every woman, regardless of age or income, to see money as a vehicle for personal freedom and independence, leading to financial stability and success.
Financial Feminist by Tori Dunlap
In Financial Feminist, personal finance influencer Tori Dunlap is bringing the money talk front and center.
Ever noticed how guys are taught about investing and money-making, while girls often get the "don't spend too much" lecture?
Tori spotted this gap and decided it's high time we flip the script. This book isn't just about saving pennies; it's about making your dollars work their tails off for you.
Using stories from her own life and her work with Her First $100K, Tori walks us through everything we need to get savvy with our money.
From paying off debt without going crazy to spending smart, saving up, and investing like a pro – she's got us covered.
And the best part? She's all about using our money to enjoy life and make a difference, not just squirreling it away.
So, if you're ready to take control of your financial life and have some fun along the way, Financial Feminist is the perfect companion.
Women with Money by Jean Chatzky
In Women With Money, Chatzky offers a 3-part plan to help women understand their relationship with money, take control of their finances, and use their money to create the life they desire.
It offers practical solutions for women to increase their income and create a financial plan for their futures.
Final Thoughts on the Best Finance Books for Women
If you are looking for the best finance books for women to read this year, the list above offers the best books to get you started.
Whether you don't have much money or are simply looking to improve your financial health, the different books above will give you a great starting point.
You'll learn how to deal with debt, money management tactics, which investment strategy will help you grow your long-term wealth, and tips to increase your income.
If you're struggling to hit your money goals, these books offer solutions for women of all ages and backgrounds to find financial success.
If you're lounging around, looking for a good read that can help you get your personal finances in order, here's a list of must-read personal finance books for you to consider.
Reading books about money is a great way to explore your financial situation and improve your financial literacy.
The Top 20 Finance Books for Women
Below are some of my favorite finance books and your essential reading list for the best finance books for women looking to take control of their finances.
These books cover everything from debt management to investing to getting a raise. You'll find something that speaks to your needs regardless of where you are on your personal finance journey.
Clever Girl Finance by Bola Sokunbi
In CleverGirl Finance, money expert Bola Sokunbi guides you through getting out of debt, saving more money, and building your wealth.
Sokunbi shares her own financial story to inspire and educate a new generation of women on their path to financial independence.
Clever Girl Finance offers practical money advice and is an easy to read book for women who want to learn more about managing their own money.
On My Own Two Feet by Manisha Thakor and Sharon Kedar
Living a carefree existence can lead to future financial ruin.
On My Own Two Feet teaches you how to keep your financial priorities in order by teaching you how to balance your desire to live well now with the necessity to save and invest for tomorrow.
By applying the financial ideas in On My Own Two Feet, you're more likely to reach your financial goals without stress.
When She Makes More by Farnoosh Torabi
In today's society, women who are the breadwinners for their families face a higher risk of burnout, infidelity, and divorce.
In When She Makes More, personal finance expert Farnoosh Torabi discusses family dynamics and relationship imbalances along with ways to create a happy work/life balance.
Get Good with Money by Tiffany Aliche
In Get Good with Money, Tiffany Aliche (aka The Budgetnista), outlines her 10-step formula for achieving financial success.
The book includes checklists, worksheets, and other resources to help you learn how to build wealth and attain financial peace.
Get Good With Money details exactly what you need to do to reach your financial goals.
Zero Debt by Lynnette Khalfani-Cox
If you're struggling with debt, you're not alone. Eight out of ten Americans are in the same boat.
To get out of debt for good, you'll need a plan. Zero Debt gives you a 30-day, step-by-step guide to getting your finances back on track.
Get a Financial Life by Beth Kobliner
Get a Financial Life will teach you how to get out of debt, save more money, and invest in your future.
You'll get actionable advice to help you form healthy money habits and take control of your finances.
You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero
You Are a Badass at Making Money will help you overcome any mental barriers you've got about financial success.
Author Jen Sincero shares her personal insights into money mindset to help others unlock their potential and achieve financial success.
If you've got some mental money blocks preventing you from earning what you're worth, this book will help you work through them.
Broke Millennial by Erin Lowry
Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Broke Millennial will help you stop being freaked out about your finances and help you take control of them.
Money expert and author Erin Lowry takes you through the basics and beyond to help you understand your relationship with money and how to tackle tricky money situations.
The Index Card by Helaine Olen and Harold Pollack
The Index Card presents a simple plan with just 10 rules to help you manage your money in an easy and effective way.
This book will give you the tools and confidence to take control of your finances.
Know Yourself, Know Your Money by Rachel Cruze
You may be aware of Dave Ramsey's 7 Baby Steps but now his daughter is adding in her own 7 Money Tendencies.
Knowing what you should do and actually doing it are two different things.
In Know Yourself, Know Your Money, Rachel Cruze seeks to shed light on why you make the financial decisions you do so you can more easily start taking charge of your money.
Real Money Answers for Every Woman by Patrice C. Washington
Real Money Answers for Every Woman offers financial advice on everything from managing credit card debt to dealing with student loans to homeownership and even negotiating for a raise.
You'll get practical advice to help form healthy money habits and start planning for your financial future.
Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez
This best-selling classic is the go-to guide for changing your relationship with money.
In this 9-step program, you'll learn how to live more deliberately and make more meaningful choices.
Regardless of where you are in your financial journey, Your Money or Your Life has something to offer and will give you a new perspective on your income and expenses.
The Feminist Financial Handbook by Brynne Conroy
The Feminist Financial Handbook provides actionable and practical advice to help women get ahead with their finances.
Author Brynn Conroy offers helpful tips for saving money, planning your finances, and more while also exploring issues like the wage gap and domestic violence that can disproportionately affect women.
Prince Charming Isn't Coming by Barbara Stanny
This classic by Barbara Stanny inspires and teaches women how to take control of their own finances instead of waiting around for a Prince Charming to come take the responsibility from them.
With checklists and practical advice, Prince Charming Isn't Coming will guide you through the process so you can take charge of your money and your life.
Sacred Success by Barbara Stanny
Author Barbara Stanny has decades of experience and research with women's relationship to money.
In Sacred Success, she offers a guide for taking control of your life via your finances. By combining practical tips with psychological insights and spiritual understanding Stanny offers women a new path to financial success.
All Your Worth by Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi
This book is probably best known for its author, Senator Elizabeth Warren, and for introducing the 50/30/20 rule.
All Your Worth offers a simple formula to balance your finances across three types of spending: the Must-Haves, the Wants, and your Savings.
If you struggle with feeling restricted by a traditional budget, Warren's percentage-based budgeting may be just what you're looking for.
Money Rules by Jean Chatzky
Money Rules offers more than 90 rules to help you remove the stress around money and simplify the path to financial success.
Chatzky gives the reader concise and straightforward advice to help them build their wealth.
Worth It by Amanda Steinberg
In Worth It, author Amanda Steinberg helps women overcome the confusion and guilt they often associate with money.
By sharing her personal experiences, she empowers and encourages every woman, regardless of age or income, to see money as a vehicle for personal freedom and independence, leading to financial stability and success.
Financial Feminist by Tori Dunlap
In Financial Feminist, personal finance influencer Tori Dunlap is bringing the money talk front and center.
Ever noticed how guys are taught about investing and money-making, while girls often get the "don't spend too much" lecture?
Tori spotted this gap and decided it's high time we flip the script. This book isn't just about saving pennies; it's about making your dollars work their tails off for you.
Using stories from her own life and her work with Her First $100K, Tori walks us through everything we need to get savvy with our money.
From paying off debt without going crazy to spending smart, saving up, and investing like a pro – she's got us covered.
And the best part? She's all about using our money to enjoy life and make a difference, not just squirreling it away.
So, if you're ready to take control of your financial life and have some fun along the way, Financial Feminist is the perfect companion.
Women with Money by Jean Chatzky
In Women With Money, Chatzky offers a 3-part plan to help women understand their relationship with money, take control of their finances, and use their money to create the life they desire.
It offers practical solutions for women to increase their income and create a financial plan for their futures.
Final Thoughts on the Best Finance Books for Women
If you are looking for the best finance books for women to read this year, the list above offers the best books to get you started.
Whether you don't have much money or are simply looking to improve your financial health, the different books above will give you a great starting point.
You'll learn how to deal with debt, money management tactics, which investment strategy will help you grow your long-term wealth, and tips to increase your income.
If you're struggling to hit your money goals, these books offer solutions for women of all ages and backgrounds to find financial success.
Need some help?
Whether you're struggling to stick to a budget, overwhelmed with debt, or just wanting to feel a bit more in control, I'm happy to guide you toward your best next step.
Need some help?
Whether you're struggling to stick to a budget, overwhelmed with debt, or just wanting to feel a bit more in control, I'm happy to guide you toward your best next step.
Need some help?
Whether you're struggling to stick to a budget, overwhelmed with debt, or just wanting to feel a bit more in control, I'm happy to guide you toward your best next step.
You're in good hands

You're in good hands

You're in good hands

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This site may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Please read my disclosure policy for more info.
This site may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Please read my disclosure policy for more info.